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Your companion in park construction: X Blade


The X Blade saves time when building and maintaining snow parks. It was presented this year at Mountain Planet in Grenoble.  

At Mountain Planet in Grenoble - the largest international gathering of mountain professionals in France - the X Blade was recently presented alongside the universal transport cabin. The new X Blade is designed in particular to save time in the construction and maintenance of snow parks. At the same time, the X Blade has new features that support the smooth setup of individual features and simplifie the transportation of rails, jibs and shaping tools.   

Saves time. Thanks to the immense width of the X Blade, increased by the optimized cutting edge, and the rounded corners, features can be cut and shaped more easily. And thanks to the optimum blade radius, the required snow piles can be pushed, and rolled to process more snow in less time.   

Transportation of tools. The X Blade can be used to transport park construction tools so that they are easily accessible. In addition to the on-blade transport rack, there are also robust wing pockets, which can be used to lift and move jibs, rails or even snow guns. Adjustable bolts and attachment points provide numerous options for attaching ratchet straps or other fastening elements to the blade.   

Shaping kit. If you want to do even more work with the blade, you can include the optional shaping kit. The shaping kit makes it possible to cut edges even more precisely with the blade, which in turn saves time and by reducing handwork. The bolt on side cutters with angle support allow features to be cut in several blade positions while leaving more space between the tracks and the cutting edge of the blade. The back blading cutting edge, which is attached to the bottom of the blade, forms an even surface even when reversing. This means that jumps and landings can be evenly scraped with the blade. The X Blade is the perfect companion for building the perfect park.  

To the details



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