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Business of the Year Award


Business of the Year Award Presented to Prinoth Northeast Trail Grooming Sales Representative Brian Ainsworth

Vermont Association of Snow Travelers (VAST) proudly awarded this year’s Outstanding Business Award to Brian Ainsworth, the Prinoth Trail Grooming Northeast Sales Representative. Brian worked with five clubs across Vermont to improve the snowmobile riders’ experience by upgrading the club’s grooming equipment. As clubs around the region upgrade their groomers, the preferred choice is a Prinoth Husky.

During the ceremony, Brian was described by several clubs as:

  • Patient with answering endless questions from clubs who have no prior experience with that type of power unit [snow groomer].
  • Helpful in accommodating the grooming team in demoing another club’s machine during this past season. He took numerous operators out and relieved all the team’s concerns to they could get a fair assessment of the machine.
  • Accommodating, working with each club’s budgets.
  • Assuring, he assured the clubs that he will provide grooming operators extensive training when snow is on the ground.
  • Accessible, he provided his cell phone number for 24/7 support.

Brian graciously accepted the award during the annual VAST meeting in September. He shared that, “The snowmobile clubs are a pleasure to work with. They are full of volunteers who take time out of their busy schedules to make snowmobiling a huge success. I appreciate the opportunity to help them and look forward to our continued partnerships.”

All the clubs agree, it’s about the product – but it’s also about the customer service, and Brian epitomizes this on a daily basis. Prinoth and his customers are lucky to have him!

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