Optimizing Snow Management: Prinoth hosts the 4th IBU Snow Network Meeting
The 4th in-person meeting of the International Biathlon Union's (IBU) Snow Network took place in Vipiteno, Italy, in September 2024, focusing on the exchange of knowledge regarding grooming and related snow management topics.
From 4-6 September, snow experts and representatives from 18 IBU Organizing Committees gathered in Vipiteno, Italy, for the annual Snow Network Meeting. The event serves as a platform for networking and collaboration among snow and course operators from IBU event organizers. Hosted at our Prinoth headquarters, the meeting provided a unique opportunity for participants to review the previous season and strategize for the future of snow management in biathlon. The IBU-led "SIEPPUR Sustainable Snow Management Project” also presented its preliminary findings. The project aims to provide tools and techniques to monitor and minimize water and energy use and to optimize the efficiency of snow management, whilst reducing the impact on flora and fauna in the short and long term.
In addition to a comprehensive report on the past season, which included an in-depth analysis of the 2024 World Championships in Nové Město na Moravě, CZE, the meeting featured presentations from each IBU Organizing Committee. The presentations outlined their strategies for tackling future challenges such as snow scarcity, heavy rain, and warm temperatures. We contributed to the discussion by showcasing our products that support sustainable snow management: our entire Prinoth fleet, equipped with Stage V engines, can be operated with alternative fuels such as HVO or GTL, and with the electric Husky E-Motion, biathlon centers can prepare their trails with zero emissions. Additionally, our Snowpark Services offer solutions to sustainably plan, digitalize and maintain cross-country trails, reducing water and diesel consumption and Prinoth Connect enables users to manage snow and vehicles efficiently.
The informal setting in Vipiteno allowed for direct exchanges of ideas and experiences, fostering knowledge-sharing that extended beyond the meeting itself.
IBU Sport & Event Director Daniel Böhm summarized the meeting:
“The IBU Snow Network has become one of the most productive gatherings within the IBU and is likely to become increasingly important in the future. It is critical for the IBU to continue to develop data and science-based know-how in sustainable snow management to ensure the preparedness of IBU event hosts for future snow conditions.”
Discover your solutions for sustainable snow management now!